Wednesday 23 March 2011

# 10: Spinach (Palak) Soup

What comes to your mind when you hear or see "SPINACH"???

Well..for me...Spinach can only remind me of Popeye!!!! ha ha ha ....

I love and enjoy watching cartoons. I think they are the best stress busters and source of complete entertainment. And definitely any day better than watching those glycerin filled daily soaps... ;)

I like soups. More so also coz they are filling and nutritious...

With me putting on some (rather a lot ) crazy amount of weight and no time to cook a decent meal on returning from work, i took the easy way out of eating some heavy breakfast and lunches..while resorting to only soups and salads for supper. I know its crazy that i can even come up with such an explanation..but honestly, that's what i ended up doing.. And thanks to the latest quick fix scenario, we can just get anything up and done in 5 mins.. "hail soup packets".. Not like i reduced even 1 gram of weight with my ideas!!! ....

It was during this time that many a times i was scolded for my idiotic-ness by my close friends. One of them even going to the extent of telling me how not so good it is to have soups made from soup packets.. :( sob! sob!
It was then that i "hell" miserably missed the soups i had as a kid.. when soup packets did not exist and mom stood in the kitchen sweating it out even to prepare a good soup (with bread crumbs & dash of cream )for us.. Sigh! how i missed being a child...

Nevertheless, now i decided..i won't let the chemicals wack my system up.. and with all the cooking i can definitely soup(oops! cook) up some soup.. :D

Palak soup being a hot favourite! (although i would love mixed vegetable clear soup for the no hard work and no pain that it provides me with..but then here it is..)

Presenting... "The Spinach (Palak) Soup"... Ta da!!!! ;)

  1. Spinach Leaves - 10 to 20
  2. Onion -1
  3. Green Chillies - 1 or Pepper powder - 1 tsp
  4. Ginger - 1/2 cm
  5. Tomato - 1
  6. Salt to taste


Wash the Spinach in salt water to remove the sand from it. (Honestly! i am mentioning this cause its important that you know that most doctors advice renal/kidney stone patients to stop eating spinach.. Incidences of stones are also related to the cooking hygiene and all...So its better you wash it properly or you are calling for problems..)

Take the washed spinach leaves + pepper + onions+ ginger + tomato + salt and pressure cook. Just a whistle!
Cool & strain. Now grind the mixture. Add the paste to the strained water (stock) and boil. In case its too watery, add a spoon of corn flour mixed in water. Boil the soup.

Bread Crumbs (Roast the bread pcs and fry..)

Ta da..the soup is ready! :)

Serve with a dash of cream on it and a few pieces of fried bread crumbs!


Variation in serving: Take an egg, beat it up and while the soup is boiling... pour the beaten egg into the soup in a circular manner!


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