About Me

"Smile and the world will smile with you"..

Life is a gift, make the most of it...let there be no time for cribbing and crying and pain..and negativity...Just live it to the fullest every moment, every day..like its your last! :) I am a fun loving person with full of energy.

"Food Connect" is my way of thanking mom for all the wonderful dishes she made for us all this while and is still continuing to do so. Its a way i feel i can connect well with food!

All these years and still going strong, i love eating food.. but cooking was a passive thing for me. Ma made me a copy of her collection of recipes.. Her cook book.. i feel indebted to her forever. I cant be the best cook in the world. But i can be able to do something good and where like the times she has enjoyed cooking for us and others..I am hoping i can make her happy in my own l'il way.

Compiling Mom's recipes, some recipes from people i have met and dined with, some from the television and some i have found but never tried out! This is my journey of discovering a new ME and sharing some moments, thoughts, and a lot of food...

Thank you for stopping by and hope you enjoy it as much as i have enjoyed putting it together!

Grub Hub: The Introduction
P.S : In Process of Discovering a New Side to ME
M back..
The Food Feista... Part-1
The Inspiration & Motivation
The Big Change (2015) & Happy Mother's Day!